My future trip

Hello guys! Welcome to my blog, today I will write about the place that I would like to visit  this summer. I am planning my first trip with my girlfriend  to Europe, we are so excited about this, and because of that we want to go as many places as possible. Our plans today are to land in Rome to go to see my mom, and all together travel to the north of Italy, specially to Florence, Milan, and of course, Venice, after that, we would like to go to Amsterdam, Paris, Praga, and Barcelona for sure, maybe we can add other destinations, we will know that soon, we haven't planned that part really well yet.


The main places we want to know are, obviously the Coliseum in Rome, the Cathedral of Santa Maria dei Fiore in Florence, the Venice Canals, the Louvre museum in Paris, the basílic of Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, and the Castle of Praga. This last place is the one that interests me the most, thats because it is one of the largest and most important gothic works in the world, it's huge and so beautiful inside and outside, I love the gothic architecture, I studied architecture in the past and the book that interested me the most was one about gothic style. 

                     Castle of Praga

However, about the activities in specific that we want to do is to eat a lot of pizza and ice cream in Italy, walk around all the cities that we want to know -above all the Canals of Venice-,  go to the best viewpoints, and go to party, mainly in Italy and Amsterdam (in legality haha). I wish very much that we can do this trip, but if it is not now, in the future we will do it anyway.


  1. I really like the food in those places, the pastas and the pizza, I would only go to eat :P


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