My experience learning english

Hi, welcome to my last blog, today I'm going to talk about all the thing that I learned this semester, I think that my I really improved my English with all the exercises that we had to do during this past few weeks, I didn't have the chance to practice this much, with all the blog and videos I did my best to practice my grammar and spelling. 

About the blogs, I really liked the experience of knowing more about my others classmates opinions and experiences, they were all super fun to read, it was like to meet them during this online classes but not directly speaking.

How I said before, one of my biggest weaknesses in English is to speak and to have a fluid conversation with another person, so that will be my goal for the future.

Outside my English classes, I usually try to talk in English with my girlfriend, just to practice a few sentences and how we should pronounce them correctly, as I said in the previous post, we were planning to travel in a few months, so I will be practising my English as much as I can, so we can communicate and meet new people during our journey.

I have always thought that English it's a really important tool that opens you to the world, and gives you a lot of new opportunities to your career, so I will be definitely  improving my skills  in the future, and that might help me to take a degree or a postgraduate abroad. 

Thank you for reading my post, and I hope you can make come true  all those things that you write on your past posts.


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