
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021

My favourite movie

For me, the most significance movie is Star Wars, and not just one, but the first six movies. When I see any of them, I remember my childhood, when me and my family were authentic fanatics. I was so obsessed back then, that I currently felt that Star Wars was an important influence for me as a child, the jedis gave me some values hahah, they are like Yoga or Zen masters.                            Qui Gon meditating in the middle of a fight Other thing that I think It was essential for me to become a fanatic is the music, that was compossed for John Williams. That music is played by a large orchestra, and gives the movie a lot of intensity, maybe because of that the movie was so exciting for me.                            John Williams´s orchestra What made me convince myself that Star Wars is my favourite movie, was the fact that after five years I saw Star Wars one again again recenty, and I felt the same emotion as when I was a child, because of that I ended up seeing the first thre

The best concert i've ever been to

A few years ago, on 2013 I went to see one of favourite rappers in a festival called “Session Maestra” in Caupolincan theater. Between many rappers the group I most expected  was Mente Sabia, that is a chilean group not that famous for most people, but really recognized on the hiphop movement, they´re five MC´s and one DJ , and they lyrics are really introspective but they also have some others kind of styles.                             Concert logo The atmosphere of the place was really exciting , people were jumping and screaming and singing along, but the place was also pretty small, so at some point it was a little bit suffocating , but anyhow I was really motivated about the concert because I was also enjoying it with my friends on the fieldm watching a lot of rappers that I like.                            Concert atmosphere  One of the things that I liked the most was that on the previous concerts that I went, the quality of the sound was really poor and I couldn't hear  an

The place that I would like to go

If I think of some places that I would like to go,  instantly many countries appear on my mind, so it´s difficult for  me to choose one. However, the excersise to think about which places I would like to visit in this moment of my life, for sure that would be Finland, that's because, with the pandemic, I was thinking a lot about the situation of the people here in Chile, and the treatment that the government gives to them. Finland it's for the fourth year in a row the happiest country in the world, and one of the most egalitarian, in that sense it´s really different in comparation to our country.            Helsinki, Finland Besides if you go to Finland you can travel around Europe so easily, because all the country´s borders are conected and they have a unique system that makes everything easier, so you can visit places around with an extraordinary  architecture and history  like Holand, Italy, France, Germany, etc.  The thing that I would love to do in Finland is to hike in o