My favourite movie

For me, the most significance movie is Star Wars, and not just one, but the first six movies. When I see any of them, I remember my childhood, when me and my family were authentic fanatics. I was so obsessed back then, that I currently felt that Star Wars was an important influence for me as a child, the jedis gave me some values hahah, they are like Yoga or Zen masters. 

                          Qui Gon meditating in the middle of a fight

Other thing that I think It was essential for me to become a fanatic is the music, that was compossed for John Williams. That music is played by a large orchestra, and gives the movie a lot of intensity, maybe because of that the movie was so exciting for me. 

                          John Williams´s orchestra

What made me convince myself that Star Wars is my favourite movie, was the fact that after five years I saw Star Wars one again again recenty, and I felt the same emotion as when I was a child, because of that I ended up seeing the first three movies in two days. Maybe I think that another movies are more interesting than Star Wars, but none gives me the same emotion, for which, clearly Star Wars is my favourite movie.


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