How I got to Sociology

Hello guys! Welcome to my blog! Today I'll be  telling you about my experience choosing my career and studying it. For me, it was very difficult to choose one, I finished high school on 2014, and I started studying  Architecture on 2015, and it was not what I expected,  it required dedication and also a lot of time, what made had few sleepless nights. Because of that, I left the career during the second semester.

                           FAU, where I studied architecture

At the end of the year, I applied  to Bachillerato in humanities, because I knew that I wanted to study a career in the humanist area, but I didn't know if I wanted Sociology specifically, Anthropology, or Psychology. In the Bachillerato I decided very quickly that Sociology was the career for me, I really liked their topics since the  beginning. Because of that, I decided to left Bachillerato and applied for Sociology  -via PSU- on 2017. Now I am in my senior year, and I feel that It's the best decision I could ever make, it has been a long journey of a lot of  learning in which I have not lost any interest, today I still feel like the first day studying Sociology in Bachillerato, and I want to work in the future as a sociologist, doing social investigation on the field work, that's for me a huge motivation, I think that I can contribute to create a better society with my investigations, It's the only job that I see myself in.

                                       Assembly in FACSO


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