My Future Job

For me, my future job is essential to feel fulfilled, that work  should have some sense, not just to be a way to get money. Because of that I want to be a social researcher. Social investigation -in my opinion- contributes to create a fairer society. Another fundamental thing for me is to enjoy this job, and I always enjoyed being outside in the real world. In that sense, the type of social investigation that I want to do is perfect for me, because it consists of a lot of field work. I don't want to be on a computer all day.


Loic Wacquant doing field work in Chicago

I would like to travel a lot with my job, between different regions and countries, getting to know different cultures.


On the other hand, when I thought about this job, I didn't see the salary like a fundamental thing. However, I perceive that the salary of a researcher in general is good in comparison to the major part of the society, and in that sense I am previously satisfied. 

However, I would like to take a mayor in economics  because I think it's a good complement for my career and  to interpret in a better way reality.


  1. The field research it´s clearly the most fun way to do social investigation. I like the economics topic too, and i'm considering a major in that area just as you.

  2. I think this area is very interesting to explore. Research is crucial to generate knowledge for the betterment of society.

  3. I very much agree with you, social research is very relevant to understand and improve our society and together with economics you could study many areas of the society.


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