
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2021

My future trip

Hello guys! Welcome to my blog, today I will write about the place that I would like to visit  this summer. I am planning my first trip with my girlfriend  to Europe, we are so excited about this, and because of that we want to go as many places as possible. Our plans today are to land in Rome to go to see my mom, and all together travel to the north of Italy, specially to Florence, Milan, and of course, Venice, after that, we would like to go to Amsterdam, Paris, Praga, and Barcelona for sure, maybe we can add other destinations, we will know that soon, we haven't planned that part really well yet.                         Venice The main places we want to know are, obviously the Coliseum in Rome, the Cathedral of Santa Maria dei Fiore in Florence, the Venice Canals, the Louvre museum in Paris, the basílic of Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, and the Castle of Praga. This last place is the one that interests me the most, thats because it is one of the largest and most important gothic

Crop Circles

  Since 1678 exists evidence about geometric figures that appear in the crops (of wheat, grapes, corn, and others) and the grass -until today there is a presence of more than a ten thousand-. This circles are symmetrical and perfect, their dimension depends on the case, but they can take almost a hectare of extension -most of them are very big-. The testimonials of the witnesses indicate that the figures appear overnight, and some people say they are created by circles of light expanded in the air, however, all hypotheses about its appearance have not been confirmed. People think that these kinds of figures are made  by humans  but  they can't give a rational explanation to that reason, because none of them will do that by their own initiative. Another theory will be that these amazing drawings are made by UFOs. These creations are so popular for a lot of people  and some of them feel attracted to see them ,and because  of that a few owners  decide  to collect money so the people 

My future postgrade career

Hi guys! Welcome to my blog, today I'm going to talk to you about what I would like to study after my current career and why, I'm a senior student of Sociology and I want to take a postgraduate course on Economics and  one of the reasons why is because I think it's a fantastic complement to my career, to understand politics and society. Furthermore, I believe that to take a postgraduate course increase your chances to have a nice labor integration. Universitat de Barcelona Additionally, to that hopefully I have a few family members living there, so it would be really easy for me to stay with them, so I can go to my classes in person and to enjoy the country completely, and just because  during the pandemic this last few months I've been at home going to my classes via zoom, and It's not that cool at all, specially considering that most of my classes are theoretical and that makes it pretty boring for me.                         Barcelona, España T