Crop Circles

 Since 1678 exists evidence about geometric figures that appear in the crops (of wheat, grapes, corn, and others) and the grass -until today there is a presence of more than a ten thousand-. This circles are symmetrical and perfect, their dimension depends on the case, but they can take almost a hectare of extension -most of them are very big-. The testimonials of the witnesses indicate that the figures appear overnight, and some people say they are created by circles of light expanded in the air, however, all hypotheses about its appearance have not been confirmed.

People think that these kinds of figures are made  by humans  but  they can't give a rational explanation to that reason, because none of them will do that by their own initiative. Another theory will be that these amazing drawings are made by UFOs.

These creations are so popular for a lot of people  and some of them feel attracted to see them ,and because  of that a few owners  decide  to collect money so the people  can visit  and walk around the fields.

This is a very interesting topic for me, because no one has been able to give a convincing explanation for everyone, and this enigma has been the subject of discussion for more than forty years. About the causes of the phenomenon I don´t lean for any of the explanations, both have good arguments, what do you think about that? People -with the technology that humans have created- are able to create these incredible figures in one night? I await your comments!


  1. What fear that figures appear from one day to the next; -; I believe that human beings are capable of making these figures with the technology that exists NOW, but there are records from more than 100 years ago and at that time there was no technology that exists now.

  2. I think an expert could do studies on the ground, maybe look for DNA or something, but it's better to stay curious hahaha.


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