My future postgrade career

Hi guys! Welcome to my blog, today I'm going to talk to you about what I would like to study after my current career and why, I'm a senior student of Sociology and I want to take a postgraduate course on Economics and  one of the reasons why is because I think it's a fantastic complement to my career, to understand politics and society. Furthermore, I believe that to take a postgraduate course increase your chances to have a nice labor integration.

Universitat de Barcelona

Additionally, to that hopefully I have a few family members living there, so it would be really easy for me to stay with them, so I can go to my classes in person and to enjoy the country completely, and just because  during the pandemic this last few months I've been at home going to my classes via zoom, and It's not that cool at all, specially considering that most of my classes are theoretical and that makes it pretty boring for me.

                       Barcelona, España

Thank you for reading my post and if you have any comments or questions let me know in the comments :)


  1. through the knowledge generated in research we can help to change this unjust society. it is good that you have decided to follow the path of sociology.

  2. Despite not studying sociology, I think that within the social sciences it is very important to venture into politics, I hope you achieve your goals!


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