My opinion about my career

When I started studying sociology, it called my attention that all the subject were theoretical during the first year, anyhow  today  I agree that in the first year it might start with the theory part at the beginning, but I think that I  there is not enough practical programmes for us, and as a sociologist I think it is a very important factor that we should know about, and how to interact with the people directly.

Talking about the workload on my career, I think that every work that you made will be as good as the time that you spent working on it, so I agree with that as a student, also with the length of studies (5 years in the best case).

Otherwise, I'm not happy about the infrastructure of my faculty, inside the same university, there is others faculties like Beauchef´s  that their building and installations  are minimum 4 times better than mine, this is not acceptable in a state university that it declares as an  inclusive and pluralistic.

                           FACSO Uchile 

Beauchef Campus Uchile

Nevertheless, I'm OK with the technology that we use at least, we have public Wi-Fi, computers rooms, library with a lot of material and a good casino to enjoy your lunch.

Finally, about the teaching methods, I like the way that the teachers teach, because they are so participative, but -coming back to my first point- I believe that the programme must be more oriented to a practical  learning.

You! People from FACSO or people from the university of Chile  in general, what do you think about this? 


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